Wise Leader Blog

Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

Becoming Emotionally Intelligent

As we become more aware of how we show up (self-awareness), we stand a chance to regulate our actions as we observe our emotions (self-regulation). Similarly, once we’re more easily aware of our own “stuff,” we can begin to read the room (social awareness) and then work with what is in the emotional space in order to accomplish that which is desired (social management). Photo by Langa Hlatshwayo on Unsplash

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

Another Way: The Self-Differentiated Leader

How is your world, good leader? Does it feel like it's on fire? Is the anxiety in the system overwhelming to you? Have you lost your sense of what you came to do? There is another way. Become a self-differentiated leader. This October, make that investment in your leadership. 

Self-Differentiated Leader Series, Thursdays in October (Oct 3, 17, 31), 1:30  - 3:30 PM Central Time, Cost: $249

[Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash]

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

The Paradox of Fall

Learn two practices for adopting a “both and” perspective.  Yes, we can reflect on the bounty of our lives and we can take joy in this most recent season of productivity, of brightness, of activity. Yet we also can accept, even embrace, the sorrows and grieving of everything we are losing in the process of starting anew. It is the acceptance of loss that “clears us out” for the life we wish to live now.  [Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash]

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

Designing Good Goodbyes

We at LeaderWise offer blessings and support for the endings that will come. Remember, this is not about creating a perfect goodbye (because that doesn’t exist) but rather giving all of us much-needed tools to honor our relationships and say goodbye with courage, clarity, care and kindness.

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

An Invitation to Hold Boundaries

Therapist and boundaries training facilitator Sarah Parker, LMFT shares, “One of the tools that I have found really beneficial for me to keep myself ‘in check’ with regards to my boundaries is the Life Wheel we share in boundary training.”

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

Your Boundaries Checkups

When I think about my passion for boundaries trainings, I have similar thoughts for pastors and congregations that I imagine my dentist has for her patients. I want people to have good boundaries so they can experience holistic health … physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. I want to spare people from the painful experience of boundary violations. I want ministries to offer nourishment and health to those to whom we are called to minister.

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

Strength in Our Resilience in Life and Retirement

<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/medium-shot-family-members-playing-with-ball_21745015.htm#fromView=search&page=3&position=48&uuid=6e9dc650-ead0-4560-9a9c-cbf32d96b8be">Image by freepik</a>

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

Committed to the Work

In 2020, after the murder of George Floyd, LeaderWise added the 6th End, “ability of leaders to develop cultural humility and competence.” This means we offer our clients the tools and support to learn cultural humility and competence, and it also means we are committed as an organization and as individuals always to be increasing our own cultural competence. We engage in learning activities as an organization, and we engage as individuals. As with leadership development, the cultural competence work is never done, and we can only encourage our clients to engage the work because we have done so first.

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

Need a Good Driving Instructor? We All Do.

Each RPS session begins by inviting you to press the brakes on the busy-ness of ministry for 60-90 minutes every 4- 6 weeks. We then engage the clutch, holding time and space for the Holy, because at its core, RPS is spiritually and theologically grounded. You then bring an issue from your ministry to the space. Your supervisor helps you pinpoint the defining moment when your issue smooths out and forms a clear question to explore.

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Heather Koshiol Heather Koshiol

The Care and Nurture of Clergy in Apocalyptic Times

For 45 minutes each week, let down the mantle of ministry and fill your cup. Led by the Rev. Dr. Sarah Lammert, a trauma-informed member of the LeaderWise staff, these sessions will offer you a centering moment or inclusive prayer, followed by a time of silence and open sharing, and ending with a blessing to send you on your way. Together we will acknowledge what is so in our world, while also reminding ourselves of the power of shared holding and holy intention.

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