Flourishing in Retirement
Join this cohort experience facilitated by Graham Hart to develop a holistic plan to flourish in your retirement. Cut through the overwhelming clutter of retirement planning advice to identify what you need to be fully alive in your retirement years. Over the course of six 90-minute sessions, participants will apply a framework for thinking about retirement, understand questions to ask themselves, discern what “call” and purpose mean during retirement years, and, most importantly, learn from colleagues. If you are approaching retirement and choose to go it alone, you may miss opportunities to flourish in this season of life. You can make the most of your retirement years by learning best practices from others who have managed this transition well.
Flourishing in Retirement is designed to explore – with a cohort of colleagues – what flourishing in retirement could look like. Over the course of 6 coaching/cohort sessions, the group will:
Learn best practices from others who have managed this transition well
Study theories that can guide our thinking about retirement
Discover the questions we need to be asking ourselves to thrive in retirement
Find our guiding metaphors for this time of transition
Discern what those theological and human yearning such as “call” and purpose means in our retirement years
And most importantly learn from colleagues, who are traveling a similar path, in the season of life called preretirement
LeaderWise can also bring a Retirement cohort experience to your group tailored to your specific schedule and needs. Please contact Mary Kay for more information.
Online via Zoom
6-session cohort experience
What Flourishing in Retirement participants say:
As a participant with the Flourishing Retirement Cohort through LeaderWise, I have begun to live into the realities of my upcoming retirement. As facilitator, Graham Hart has provided us with some philosophical theories as well as theological perspective in order to frame the important transitions. Knowing that adapting to retirement requires emotional, social, and spiritual changes has nudged me to begin to work on those changes prior to my actual retirement date. The additional opportunities to interact in small group discussions with members of the cohort reassures me that we are in this together. I’m delighted to recommend Flourishing Retirement to all those who may be planning their retirement!
—Alan Thames
The cohort experience around retirement has been extremely helpful. The stories by others have caused me to dig deeper into those issues I thought were long resolved, and I realize now that they were not and could trip me up in retirement. I commend the cohort process for any one anticipating retirement in the near future or is challenged to adjust to it now. Reading about retirement is important but just doesn't cut it.
—Samuel Massey
The LeaderWise Retirement Workshop has helped me prepare for what is new and exciting by connecting me with others from whom I learned much. Having a process; getting some theory; and sharing with colleagues has transformed my individual process into a collective journey, which continues to shape my future [in] better ways than I could have imagined.
—Rev. Dr. John C. Van Nuys